Freedom of Science

Freedom of Science


Our society in the United States is big on freedom of speech.  We seem to be able to vilify our President, cyber bully, and call each other names and get away with it unscathed.

However, when it comes to science, we have NO freedom of speech or freedom of science in our public schools.  If you are not preaching and teaching Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism in our public schools, then you will be censored and fired.

That’s just the way it is.

We have NO freedom of science in the United States.

They have been trying to take freedom of religion or freedom of conscience away from us also.

Science 2.0 promotes freedom of science.

If we want to find and know the truth in science, physics, chemistry, and biology, then we must be free to falsify the biology, physics, and science that is obviously and demonstrably false.  Currently, we are not free to do so, especially in our public schools.  We can only do so in private, within our own homes and our own personal thoughts.

We need to start promoting freedom of science within the public arena as well.

It’s time to falsify and eliminate the things that are false.

Mark My Words


