
Transforming the Physical into the Non-Physical

If you don’t understand how to transform the physical into the non-physical, then you don’t understand Science, because Nature’s Psyche or Nature’s Intelligence within our suns or stars is constantly transforming physical atoms INTO non-physical quantum waves or photons all the time. Throughout the whole process, the total amount of energy is constantly conserved. This phenomenon has actually been experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is real and truly exists, which makes it Science or Knowledge or Truth.

How would you transform a physical atom into something non-physical? This is Real Science, and you need to know how to do it, or you will never be able to understand Science.

In order to transform a physical atom into a massless, entropyless, chargeless, heatless, ageless, and conserved quantum wave or photon, YOU MUST transform the mass or the resistance to acceleration INTO infinite acceleration instead. A photon or a quantum wave goes from zero to the speed-of-light instantly – that’s infinite acceleration. The ONLY way you can successfully achieve infinite acceleration is to temporarily remove the mass or the resistance to acceleration.

Simple. Logical. Parsimonious. Obvious. Real. Observed. Experienced. True.

The psyche or the intelligence within the quantum wave or the photon doesn’t have to limit itself to the speed-of-light if it doesn’t want to. Not only is a photon or a quantum wave capable of infinite acceleration, it is also capable of an infinite velocity or omnipresence. In other words, a photon or a quantum wave can quantum tunnel or teleport to its destination instantly, if it chooses to do so. Photons or quantum waves that travel faster than the speed-of-light are called tachyons. Tachyons are spirit matter. They can quantum tunnel or teleport at will, or they can choose to create a reference frame within their own dimension, phase, or timeline and give the appearance that they are standing still.

In order to transform a physical atom into a massless, entropyless, chargeless, heatless, ageless, resistanceless, and conserved quantum wave or photon, YOU MUST also transform the entropy (mass’s heat storage capacity), the internal clocks (the aging process), the stored heat, or the non-conserved parts of a physical atom INTO something that is entropyless, ageless, heatless, and conserved instead. You must know how to eliminate entropy and transform that entropy INTO syntropy or exergy instead. You must accept the FACT that photons or quantum waves are entropyless, ageless, massless, heatless, chargeless, resistanceless, syntropic, exergic, and conserved. If you are unable to accept this obvious truth, then you will NEVER be able to understand Science and how it works.

This process is an integral part of Quantum Field Theory. You have to understand Quantum Field Theory and you have to KNOW how to transform a physical atom into something non-physical, or you will never know how Science works in the real world.

How would you transform something non-physical into a physical atom? This is Real Science, and you need to know how to do it, or you will never be able to understand Science.

In order to transform a massless, entropyless, chargeless, heatless, ageless, resistanceless, and conserved quantum wave or photon or tachyon into a physical atom, YOU MUST transform the infinite acceleration and the infinite velocity INTO mass or resistance to acceleration instead. When a photon or a quantum wave chooses to STOP, it goes from the speed-of-light to zero instantly – that’s infinite resistance to acceleration. The ONLY way you can successfully achieve infinite resistance to acceleration or infinite deceleration is to stop that photon deliberately or to localize it in space-time instantly.

Simple. Logical. Parsimonious. Obvious. Real. Observed. Experienced. True.

The psyche or the intelligence in the photon, or the quantum wave, or the tachyon (spirit matter) can choose to stop its motion or infinite acceleration or omnipresence instantly. This phenomenon has actually been experienced and observed, has it not? We are seeing the light all the time because the psyches or the intelligences within the photons are choosing to STOP rather than passing through us as if we weren’t even there. Quantum waves or photons don’t have to stop if they don’t want to. They can pass through us unphased as if we weren’t there, if they choose to do so.

Whenever a photon or a quantum wave CHOOSES to stop, it transforms its omnipresence and infinite acceleration INTO some type of mass, heat, entropy (mass’s heat storage capacity), clocks (aging process), or resistance to acceleration instead. This has actually been experienced and observed, has it not? Typically, a photon of light CHOOSES to transform itself into heat when it stops, rather than transforming itself into mass or physical matter. We feel the heat on our skin, but we don’t typically observe mass or physical matter forming onto our skin. But, there’s nothing (except for God) to stop a photon or a quantum wave from transforming itself into a physical atom or into mass if it wants to do so.

We certainly can’t choose what a photon or a quantum wave will become when it finally CHOOSES to stop and transform itself into something else instead. God is the only one that we know of who can do that type of thing. God can transform tachyons, or spirit matter, or photons, or quantum waves INTO physical atoms at will because He has been observed doing so. God can command the psyches or the intelligences within the photons, tachyons, or spirit matter to transform themselves INTO physical atoms anytime and anywhere, and they will do so because they have covenanted with God to obey His commands. That’s why He is God, and we are not.

This whole process is called the Perpetual Motion Cycle (E = mc2). It’s the Perpetual Motion Cycle because it has always existed, and it will always exist, because it is constantly conserved. The total amount of energy in the system never changes. The energy is simply changed from one form to another and then back again; and all the while, the total amount of energy is constantly conserved.

The Perpetual Motion Cycle is a cycle.

God or Nature’s Psyche is constantly transforming physical atoms INTO massless, resistanceless, heatless, chargeless, entropyless, infinite acceleration, and conserved photons or quantum waves instead, within our suns or our stars. Then whenever a photon or a quantum wave CHOOSES TO STOP, God or the intelligence or the psyche within that photon or quantum wave chooses what form that former quantum wave will now become. When a photon or a quantum wave chooses to stop, it typically transforms itself into localized heat, mass, entropy (mass’s heat storage capacity), resistance to acceleration, or clocks (the aging process) instead. A photon or a quantum wave chooses to stop, and then it chooses what it wants to become now that it has stopped.

This is the Perpetual Motion Cycle (E = mc2). It will never get old, and it will never wear out, because it is constantly conserved. This is what has actually been experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is real and truly exists. The Perpetual Motion Cycle is essentially a conserved or a transdimensional or a non-physical or a quantum phenomenon, which is why the Materialists, Naturalists, Nihilists, and Atheists have never discovered it. They aren’t looking for it, and they don’t want it to be true.

The Perpetual Motion Cycle is perfectly conserved order and organization at the quantum level, which means that the Perpetual Motion Cycle is syntropic, exergic, eternal, everlasting, and conserved. When it comes to physics, the Perpetual Motion Cycle explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed. The Perpetual Motion Cycle explains why we exist in the first place.

Notice that the proven and verified existence of the Perpetual Motion Cycle FALSIFIES the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which erroneously claims that the Perpetual Motion Cycle does not exist and that the total amount of disorder in the universe is constantly increasing and can never go to zero. They both can’t be true because they are mutually exclusive. They falsify each other. The second law of thermodynamics was designed to falsify the Perpetual Motion Cycle and to convince people that it does not exist. Since the Perpetual Motion Cycle is obviously true, that makes the second law of thermodynamics obviously false.

Mark My Words

