Consensus Rules

Consensus Rules


Consensus is synonymous with design, or choice, or intent.  That means that ONLY tachyons can do consensus!  Luxons and tardyons ARE “the consensus”; whereas the tachyons, psyches, or intelligences are the Consensus-Makers and the Consensus-Enforcers.

William Buhlman wrote the following about moving beyond the tardyonic:

Always remember, once we are no longer attached to a specific form — whether matter or energy — we are free to move beyond it.

My interest in physics increased with the number of out-of-body experiences I had. When out-of-body, I would closely observe the energy structures around me. I became fascinated with the nonphysical forms and substances I encountered. I recognized that each environment and dimension within the interior of the universe has specific similarities and differences.

The most significant difference appears to be the degree of responsiveness to thought of a given nonphysical environment. Some nonphysical environments are easily molded by thought while others are extremely resistant.

I believe that all nonphysical energy is thought-responsive; however, when a group of individuals maintains the same image or beliefs, the group creates, molds, and maintains a consensus reality. In effect, group thought-energy forms, stabilizes, and actually solidifies nonphysical energy. The larger the group (some number in the millions), the more stable the immediate energy environment becomes. This is an important discovery because it explains the vast differences encountered when exploring the nonphysical dimensions. For example, the first nonphysical dimension is a parallel energy world almost identical to the physical universe. This dimension of energy existing close to the physical is molded by the consensus thoughts of the six billion inhabitants existing in the physical.

The underlying cause of this phenomenon appears to be remarkable: consciousness creates reality. All reality, including matter, is shaped and molded by thought. Creation itself is the result of conscious thought-energy influencing, arranging, and manifesting form and substance as we know it. Countless nonphysical explorations into the interior of universe confirm this observation.

It’s only the density of matter that obscures the truth of this from our physical senses. In the physical world, consciousness uses biological vehicles for its expression. Our physical bodies are the direct tools of our consciousness; our thoughts direct our bodies to build the reality we experience every day of our lives. This process of consciousness creating reality is more important than words can begin to express.

Our recognition of this reality is the first step to true mastery of ourselves and our surroundings. Each of us possesses the creative ability and power to shape and mold his or her ideal physical, emotional, and intellectual surroundings. It is up to us, however, to recognize and implement our creative ability. Our recognition of the creative power of consciousness will dramatically affect both our immediate future and the evolution of our species. Until we truly comprehend and consciously control the unseen energies flowing through us, we will be bound to the dense molecular forms that surround us. Our evolution from a physical creature to a multidimensional, nonphysical being is directly linked to the recognition and conscious control of our thought-energy. Once we truly comprehend our individual ability to shape and mold the energy around us, we can begin to take full responsibility for our thoughts. With every thought and deed, we become aware that we are the creative artists of our lives.

The truth of this becomes apparent during an out-of-body experience. When out-of-body, we are experiencing and exploring a higher-frequency environment, one that is significantly less dense than matter. This subtle energy environment is sensitive to thought. Each focused thought can and will create an immediate result: if we think of flying, we will fly; if we think of walking through a wall, we do so. Our thoughts exert complete control over our experience. For the first time, the true creative power of thought becomes clear.  This realization is a major step in our personal evolution, for now we know that we must take full responsibility for our thoughts and our life.

Buhlman, William L. (1996). Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel (pp. 67-69). HarperCollins.

Notice how confident Buhlman is that these things exist and that this is the way that Science and Physics really work, because he has seen and experienced these tachyonic or spiritual things and verified them repeatedly.  HE KNOWS that they exist.  The truth is tachyonic – it is experienced and observed and verified.  Buhlman skips the atheistic deceptions and lies and goes straight to the tachyonic truths instead.  Buhlman KNOWS that the spiritual, or the tachyonic, or the quantum, or the non-physical exists.

I’m equally confident that luxons or photons exist, because I have seen them and experienced them!  That’s why I KNOW that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists are wrong for claiming that luxons and tachyons do not exist.

I have experienced and observed the effects of massless, entropyless, non-physical, syntropic, intangible magnetic waves, radio waves, x-rays, and microwaves; therefore, I KNOW that these things exist and that physicalism or the different types of atheism are false.

Buhlman speaks and writes as someone who KNOWS.  I do the same when it comes to Luxons and Tachyons and Conserved Quanta.  I KNOW that these things exist because I have experienced and observed the effects of their existence and influence!  The way that WE KNOW that the non-physical exists is by observing the effect that it has on physical matter!  Because WE KNOW that massless, entropyless, non-physical, intangible quantum waves, photons, radio waves, magnetic waves, microwaves, and x-rays exist, WE KNOW that materialism, naturalism, nihilism, behaviorism, and atheism are FALSE for claiming that these luxons do not exist.

There will NEVER be any observational evidence proving that luxons, tachyons, and quanta do not exist; therefore, there will NEVER be any observational evidence proving that that the different types of materialism or atheism are true.  Always remember that the different luxonic and tachyonic FORMS of energy falsify materialism, naturalism, behaviorism, nihilism, atheism, and their derivatives which claim that luxons and tachyons do not exist.

Physical matter or tardyons are energy that has been slowed down or frozen.  It’s all made from energy or tachyons!  This is a Tachyonic Ontology wherein tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of spirit matter, infinite singularities, or particles of energy are the fundamental unit of reality and existence.

It is obvious that luxons and tachyons are superpowered or supernatural, unless they get trapped within a tardyon or turned into a tardyon.  Luxons are syntropic or entropyless.  Consequently, luxons have no mass, no entropy, or no resistance to acceleration.  Luxons, photons, or quantum waves are superpowered and supernatural.  Tachyons are omnipotent and conserved.  The quantum fields are omnipotent tachyons.  The quantum fields are perpetual motion machines.

It’s obvious that luxons and tachyons are superpowered or supernatural.  They have NO mass, NO entropy, or NO resistance to acceleration.  The proven and verified existence of luxons and tachyons falsifies nihilism or the second law of thermodynamics, which denies the existence of syntropy and conservation.  A tardyon or a physical atom is the only thing that can hold a tachyon back and slow it down.  Entropic or tardyonic physical atoms were deliberately designed to take away our tachyonic superpowers.  A physical body is a prison or a dampener for our psyche, spirit, conserved quantum, tachyonic quantum, or mind.  It slows us down and makes us subject to spacetime, distance, or time delays.

Notice how Buhlman discovered that consensus is the same thing as choice or design, because consensus is chosen into existence by the tachyons, psyches, intelligences, quanta, or spirits who occupy that space.  ONLY the tachyons can produce consensus or the conservation of quantum information!  Luxons and tardyons are NOT CONSERVED, which means that they can’t be used to conserve quantum information, which means that they can’t be used to produce and enforce consensus or standardization at a universal scale.

I find Buhlman’s prose and explanation refreshing and enlightening because it feels like truth and because it has actually been experienced and observed.  William Buhlman isn’t the only person who has experienced these things.  According to the most recent surveys, millions of people have had out-of-body experiences and near-death experiences.  One in 10 people have had ‘near-death’ experiences, according to a new study.  Given our current world’s population, an average of 780 million people on this planet have had some type of near-death experience or out-of-body experience.  The preponderance of this scientific evidence or observational evidence tells us that materialism, naturalism, behaviorism, nihilism, atheism, and their derivatives are false.

Buhlman got me started down this path in December 2015 when I read his book.  Since then, I have made it my own and have taken this Tachyonic Science or Tachyonic Ontology further than any other scientist has ever tried to do.  In 2016 and 2017, I watched a lot of NDE videos on YouTube and never looked back.  That was the end of my materialism, naturalism, and nihilism.

Then, when I started developing Scientific Proofs of God’s Existence in 2016 and 2017, my atheism died as well.

As I see it, this Observational Science or Observational Evidence from out-of-body experiences and near-death experiences and spiritual experiences is infinitely better than the denials and the rejections and the ignorance that we get from materialism, physicalism, naturalism, nihilism, behaviorism, atheism, and their derivatives which categorically deny the existence of luxons and tachyons.

Like Buhlman, my interest in physics went tachyonic or infinite after I was introduced to out-of-body experiences and near-death experiences.  My interest in physics also increased when I was introduced to the quantum, or the spiritual, or the non-local, or the supernatural, or the tachyonic.  Suddenly, I wanted to figure out what everything is and how it works; and the observational evidence from near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences made that possible.  I became a quantum theorist because I had to KNOW what everything is and how it works.  That scientific research culminated in my discovery of Conserved Quanta or Tachyonic Quanta by 2020, and my discovery of and use of Tachyonic Physics, a Tachyonic Ontology, and the tachyonic portion of the light cone chart by the summer of 2020.  By including omnipotent and conserved tachyons or hyperdimensional energy beings into Science and Religion and Physics, I can now explain everything in scientific terms that make logical sense to me.

Remember, energy’s FORM is temporary or temporal.  Energy’s FORM is not conserved.  Thoughts, or cognitions, or intelligences, or psyches CHOOSE what form the energy under its control will assume.  Some energy environments such as non-consensus realities are highly responsive to our thoughts or our desires.  Other energy environments such as this tardyonic spacetime realm and the tachyonic heaven where the Gods live are basically non-responsive to our thoughts and desires because they are a consensus that has been molded or formed or established by trillions of tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or individuals.  There’s nothing that a single psyche, spirit, or tachyon can do to overthrow the order and the organization of heaven or this entropic physical realm.

Buhlman has observed that all non-physical energy is thought-responsive; but some of it is more so than other parts of it.  Group thought-energy forms, stabilizes, and actually solidifies nonphysical energy.  The larger the group (some number in the trillions), the more stable the immediate energy environment becomes.  There are zillions of thought-energy forms, or psyches, or intelligences behind the existence of the physical atoms and spacetime that is found within this tardyonic universe or physical universe.

According to quantum field theory, the quantum fields or tachyons MAKE and then sustain the existence of photons and entropic physical atoms, which means that tachyons MAKE and then sustain the existence of luxons and tardyons.  There’s the whole of physics in a nutshell!  The quantum fields or tachyons or particles of energy can START and END luxons and tardyons at will.  This is the Ultimate Model of Reality or the True Model of Reality because it explains everything in scientific terms that we can understand and have already experienced and observed.

You have to know what the atheists believe before you can figure out what’s wrong with it.  In simple terms, the atheists deny the existence of luxons and tachyons.  The atheists believe that ONLY tardyons or physical atoms exist.  I find it instructive to compare the different types of atheism with the Truths in Science that the atheists are trying to hide from us.

When it comes to Science and Physics, it’s NOT about how things are being created from NOTHING as the Atheists and the Christians claim that it’s being done – but rather it’s about how everything is being organized or made from tachyons, or particles of spirit matter, or particles of energy that already exist in great abundance!  Creation ex nihilo, scientific materialism, the atheistic paradigm, or a tardyonic ontology is absolute worthless compared to a Tachyonic Ontology that can explain everything that has ever been experienced or observed.

It has been observed that tachyons, or particles of energy, or particles of spirit matter can transform themselves into luxons and tardyons at will, and then back again into tachyons.  This is a Tachyonic Ontology wherein tachyons, psyches, or intelligences are the fundamental unit of reality.  In contrast, the different types of atheism are a tardyonic ontology or an entropic ontology or a retarded ontology wherein entropic physical atoms are erroneously declared to be the fundamental unit of reality.  When comparing a Tachyonic Ontology with a tardyonic ontology, the one is demonstrably true and the other is demonstrably false.

Thought-energy is tachyonic, which means that it can be conserved or remembered!  Furthermore, tachyons or spirits can transform themselves into tardyons and luxons and physical atoms at will, and then back again into tachyons.  In contrast, the materialists, naturalists, behaviorists, nihilists, and atheists deny the existence of luxons and tachyons, which means that these atheistic people have NO scientific explanation for luxons and tachyons!  Conserved quantum information or the conserved quantum memories that survive the death of our physical body and show up in our after-death life review are a sure sign that materialism, naturalism, behaviorism, nihilism, atheism, and a tardyonic ontology are false!

Quanta are spirits or packets of energy, and it is obvious from quantum mechanics and quantum field theory that quanta exist.  Luxons are traveling quanta, transitory quanta, temporary quanta, photons, or quantum waves.  It is obvious that massless and entropyless luxons exist because it is obvious that photons, magnetic waves, x-rays, radio waves, and microwaves exist.  A lot of quantum mechanics is photonic, syntropic, and luxonic.  The quantum fields are also tachyonic, omnipotent, omnipresent, hyperdimensional, and conserved.  In contrast, classical physics, scientific materialism, the tardyonic ontology, or the atheistic paradigm is limited, entropic, slow, and retarded.  This covers everything that has ever been experienced or observed, because everything in this universe is either a tardyon, a luxon, or a tachyon.

Tachyons ARE particles of energy, particles of spirit matter, or the quantum fields.  Conserved Quanta or Tachyonic Quanta or Quantized Psyches use tardyons, luxons, tachyons, and quantum waves to communicate with each other through the quantum fields.  This is precisely what we have experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true and really exists.  The truth is experienced and observed.  The truth is tachyonic!  In contrast, the atheists deny the existence of the luxonic truths and the tachyonic truths that we scientists have discovered during the past decade.

The different types of atheism are false because these atheistic people are dogmatically, vigorously, and often vehemently trying to force us to believe that luxons and tachyons do not exist.  The atheists are trying to force us to believe or trick us into believing that syntropy and the different conservation laws do not exist.  You figure out what’s syntropic and conserved, if you want to figure out what’s wrong with materialism, naturalism, behaviorism, nihilism, atheism, and their derivatives.

By 2020, I had finally figured out what everything is and how it works.  The only thing it cost me was my materialism, naturalism, nihilism, and atheism.  I had to be willing to give up the falsehoods, the deceptions, and the lies if I wanted to find and know the truth.  That reality applies to everyone on this planet.

When a group of individuals maintains the same image or beliefs, the group creates, molds, and maintains a consensus reality or some type of heaven.  This entropic, physical, tardyonic spacetime realm or “consensus reality” is a heaven or a hell depending upon what we choose for it to be.

There are three different FORMS of energy – tardyonic, luxonic, and tachyonic.  Each one of them has been experienced and observed to one extent or another.  Tardyons are protons or entropic physical atoms which are limited or retarded by mass, entropy, or resistance to acceleration.  Due to the built-in speed limits and time delays and entropy, spacetime is tardyonic.  Tardyons or physical atoms are the result of consensus and therefore basis of the ultimate consensus reality, which is this physical universe.  Luxons are massless, entropyless, non-physical, syntropic, flexible photons or quantum waves that have limited themselves to the speed-of-light.  Magnetic waves, microwaves, light waves, radio waves, x-rays, and gamma rays are luxons.  WE KNOW that these luxons or quantum waves exist by the effect that they have on physical matter, even though we can’t see them with our physical eyes nor touch them with our physical hands.  Therefore, WE KNOW that materialism, naturalism, nihilism, and atheism are false because these atheistic people deny the existence of luxons and tachyons.  The quantum fields or the particles of energy within the quantum fields are tachyonic tachyons.  WE KNOW that the quantum fields or particles of energy exist; therefore, WE KNOW that tachyons exist.  Tachyons are psyches, intelligences, particles of spirit matter, particles of energy, or the quantum fields.  According to the Light Cone Chart, everything in this universe is either a tardyon, a luxon, or a tachyon.  Those are the three MAIN FORMS of energy!  Everything outside of the light cone is infinite, eternal, omnipotent, omnipresent, syntropic, conserved, and tachyonic in ALL directions and ALL dimensions.

There are tardyonic quanta, luxonic quanta, and tachyonic quanta or conserved quanta.  A quantum or a spirit is the result of consensus or a bunch of choices that have been made!  Traveling quanta or quantum waves are chosen into existence and later collapsed by the same tachyons, psyches, or intelligences who chose them into existence.  The same can be said of tardyonic quanta or physical atoms.  Conserved Quanta or Tachyonic Quanta or Quantized Psyches are the result of trillions of choices of what to think about, what to pay attention to, and what to keep or conserve in memory.  Conserved Quanta or Tachyonic Quanta are also the result of consensus or choice.  Choice obviously exists; and choice or free will falsifies nihilism, radical behaviorism, hard determinism, and the different types of atheism which is why the atheists deny the existence of choice and choosers and intelligence.  The atheists deny the existence of anything that falsifies their beliefs!

The Law of Psyche states that every Quantized Psyche or Conserved Quantum has a certain amount of energy that’s under its control; and that Controlling Psyche can form or transform the energy under its control into anything that it wants that energy to be, anytime and anywhere that it chooses to do so.  The Obvious Law of Physics states that the smaller or more tachyonic dwells within and controls the larger or the more entropic.  Consciousness creates reality, because consciousness or tachyons or psyches CHOOSE the FORM of that reality or they CHOOSE the FORM of the energy that’s under their control.  Psyches, intelligences, or tachyons are synonymous with omnipotence or choice.

Notice that “consensus” is choice or creation; and it’s NOT the “creation ex nihilo” that the Christians and the Atheists have chosen to believe in.  Choice, or organization, or consensus is tachyonic or omnipotent in nature and origin.  Consensus is chosen into existence by tachyons, psyches, group consciousness, or intelligences.  Choice and chance are mutually exclusive.  They falsify each other or preclude each other.  If you are looking at consensus or organization or universal standardization, then you are looking at the Gods or the Tachyons because you are looking at choice or deliberate design or purposeful organization.  You are looking at consensus.  Only the tachyons can do consensus!  Only tachyons can do universal enforcement of a universal standard.  In contrast, chance is powerless to do design, creation, choice, and consensus.

Even while our Conserved Quantum, Tachyonic Quantum, Quantized Psyche, or Human Spirit is trapped within our physical body and this entropic physical spacetime realm, our thoughts or choices or cognitions determine what happens to our physical body.  Buhlman’s Scientific Observations makes these scientific truths clear and obvious.  Consciousness creates reality!  Consciousness or tachyons create consensus.  Our thoughts, cognitions, or desires even have an influence on what we choose to make with physical atoms.

All reality, including tardyons or entropic physical atoms, is shaped and molded by tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or thoughts.  Creation or consensus itself is the result of conscious thought-energy influencing, arranging, and manifesting form and substance as we know it.  Countless nonphysical explorations into the interior of universe confirm this observation.  The observation of the effects of luxons and tachyons on physical atoms also proves that this is true.  The Science or the Observations prove that Buhlman is right.  Only the density of the atheists or the physical atoms obscures these scientific truths from us.

Consensus or choice is a powerful scientific concept that has an infinite amount of scientific explanatory power.  While watching the second season of The New Legends of Monkey, they suggested that good and evil have to be equal and maintained in some sort of balance.  I don’t buy it.  Evil is hateful, vengeful, and destructive.  Good is loving, forgiving, productive, constructive, and creative.  The universe as a whole is best served by trapping or limiting chaos, destruction, and evil in its own corner or dimension, while giving good, order, organization, love, creativity, and consensus as much room and resources as we possibly can.  In order to do our universe the most good, the evil should be contained and the good or the Gods should be allowed to prevail.  Sin is a failure to achieve one’s full potential.  Sin or evil or spiritual misery should be contained or mitigated or limited, while the good or the Gods or the tachyonic or the creative or the loving should be allowed and encouraged to thrive.

In The New Legends of Monkey, the demons and the Gods live and die, which makes the God-like and conserved tachyons or particles of energy infinitely more powerful than the demons and the Gods.  It’s these tachyons, or particles of spirit matter, or particles of energy, or Real Gods who gave Monkey his powers and raised him from the dead.  The Real Gods in this universe are hyperdimensional, tachyonic, indestructible, omnipotent, and conserved because the Real Gods are tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of spirit matter, or particles of energy.

Tachyons and the tachyonic are the ONLY way to explain how demons and the Gods are able to do the things that they do.  In ALL of our modern-day science fiction, tachyons and the tachyonic are the only way to explain how all of the superpowered superheroes are able to do what they can do.  Whether we are talking Science, Myth, Psychology, or Religion, tachyons and the tachyonic are the ONLY way to explain everything that has ever been experienced and observed in a way that makes logical sense when we are done.

Omnipotent tachyons and the tachyonic are also the ONLY way to explain “magic” and the Harry Potter movies and books in a way that makes logical sense.  In order to make “magic” work, you would have to find some way to make the tachyons obey your will or obey your commands.  You would have to find some way to get the tachyons to read your mind and understand your intent.  If you can do that, then you are a God.

Notice that the magic wand is reading Voldemort’s mind, and executing his commands, and following his intent.  It’s tachyonic or omnipotent.  “Avada Kedavra” ONLY kills Harry Potter.  It doesn’t kill everyone else within the vicinity.  The magic wand is reading his mind and understands his intent.  It’s tachyonic!

Omnipotent tachyons are the true source or cause of magic or superpowers – NOT our brains, and NOT our genes!  Tardyons or physical atoms have had their superpowers or magic taken away from them, so they have NONE to give us.  You can’t get blood from a stone, and you can’t get superpowers from tardyons or physical atoms or genes.  This is what we have actually experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true.

There will NEVER be any observational evidence proving that tachyons, luxons, quanta, or spirits do not exist.  Therefore, there will NEVER be any observational evidence proving that the different types of atheism are true.  The denials of atheism have to be taken on blind faith alone as be real and true, because there is no way to prove that they are true.  In fact, the proven and verified existence of massless and entropyless luxons, photons, quanta, quantum waves, the quantum fields, or tachyons prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the different types of atheism are false.  The different types of atheism deny the existence of luxons and tachyons; and that is the fatal flaw of atheism, because luxons and tachyons obviously exist.

I learn best and fastest through comparison and contrast.  The deceptions and the lies are useful because they can be falsified with observations or the truth.  The atheists deny the existence of choices and choosers and creation, because the atheists deny the existence of luxons and tachyons.  Luxons and choosers obviously exist; therefore, the different types of atheism are obviously false.  Tachyons ARE psyches, intelligences, choosers, and creators because energy is omnipotent and alive, because energy cannot die.  Energy or the tachyons or the quantum fields choose their FORM; and tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of spirit matter, or particles of energy can choose to unite in consensus and form a quantum or a spirit body or a quantum wave or a physical atom according to the Quantum Law of Superposition.  This observational Science falsifies materialism, naturalism, nihilism, atheism, and any other denialistic philosophy of science that denies the existence of luxons and tachyons.

Here in this physical universe, consciousness or psyche or mind uses biological vehicles for its expression.  Our physical body is our interface with this physical universe.  Our Conserved Quantum, Tachyonic Quantum, or Quantized Psyche chooses what it wants to do with its physical body and the physical objects that it owns.  This process of “consciousness creating reality”, or “choosing reality into existence”, is more important than words can begin to express.

The Grand Secret of the Universe tells us that everything in this universe is MADE from tachyons BY Tachyons.  In other words, everything is chosen into existence by Tachyonic Quanta or Conserved Quanta who have the innate ability to choose “conserved quantum information” or “consensus” into existence in the first place.  The Grand Secret tells us that the atheists are wrong, whenever they try to convince us that tachyons or psyches do not exist.  Conscious thought-energy or omnipotent tachyons force reality or consensus into existence.  This is a Tachyonic Ontology wherein tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of spirit matter, infinite singularities, or particles of energy are the fundamental unit of reality and existence.

I’m now fine with this type of observational evidence or scientific evidence because I’m no longer a materialist, naturalist, nihilist, or atheist.  ONLY the atheists deny the existence of luxons and tachyons.  The rest of us are fine with letting these things exist, because it is obvious that they do in fact exist.  A Tachyonic Ontology is powerful Science!  Buhlman has also realized that a Tachyonic Ontology or a Psyche Ontology is powerful psychology and psyche-therapy.  Our quantized psyche, conserved quantum, or tachyonic quantum has the innate ability to design and create solutions to our problems.  Our thought-energy produces a large part of our reality and existence.  We are in fact the creative artists of our lives, because tachyonic energy or our thought-energy is eternally alive because energy cannot be destroyed nor cease to exist.

Each of us possesses the creative ability and power to shape and mold his or her ideal physical, emotional, and intellectual surroundings. It is up to us, however, to recognize and implement our creative ability.  During the past five years, I have chosen to use my creative ability to figure out what everything is and how it works.  I have discovered that everything in this universe is either a tardyon, a luxon, or a tachyon.  WE KNOW that these things exist because they have been repeatedly experienced, observed, and verified.  They have to exist in order to explain what everything is and how it works!

The truth of all of this becomes apparent when we finally realize and accept the fact that luxons and tachyons do in fact exist as particles of spirit matter or particles of energy.  Once we realize that quanta are spirits or packets of energy, then instantly we KNOW what everything is and how it works.  Then the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists can no longer trick us and deceive us.  Instead of denying the existence of these things as the atheists do, I have chosen to take full responsibility for these thoughts, these concepts, and these ideas.  My atheistic and behaviorist college professor told me that he didn’t want to have any part of my discovery of quantized psyches or conserved quanta, because such a thing would harm and destroy learning as we know it.  Such a thing would destroy his reputation.  He is right.  The discovery of Conserved Quanta, Quantized Psyches, Tachyonic Quanta, and a Tachyonic Ontology destroys the different types of atheism including behaviorism.  It destroys the way that the atheists teach and learn.  The false is falsified and destroyed by the truth or the tachyonic!

Tardyons, protons, or entropic physical atoms obviously exist.  There’s no sense denying their existence as the solipsists seem to do.  According to the Rules of Science, our denials are automatically false pending observational evidence proving that they are in fact true.  Alas, when it comes to denials, there will NEVER be and can NEVER be any observational evidence to support them because it is impossible to observe that luxons and tachyons do not exist.  When it comes to luxons and tachyons, the only thing we can do is to observe that they exist, and then try to find a logical explanation for them and how they work.

Luxons ARE photons, quantum waves, or traveling quanta.  The massless and entropyless quantum waves, radio waves, microwaves, light waves, magnetic waves, x-rays, and gamma rays are Luxons and are scientific proof that the different types of materialism, naturalism, nihilism, or atheism are false.  WE KNOW that massless and entropyless luxons exist by the effect that they have on physical atoms or physical matter!  There’s NO logical sense denying the existence of luxons and tachyons as the atheists do.

Quanta are packets of spirit matter or packets of energy.  Quanta are spirits.  Quanta obviously exist.  Photons are spirits or traveling quanta.  Quanta or spirits have been repeatedly experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that they exist.

Tachyons are psyches, intelligences, particles of spirit matter, particles of energy, or the quantum fields.  It’s obvious that omnipotent particles of energy or the omnipotent quantum fields exist; therefore, it is obvious that tachyons exist.  Some of the quanta are transitory quanta, or traveling quanta, or quantum waves, or luxons.  Some of the quanta are Conserving Quanta, Conserved Quanta, Tachyonic Quanta, Sparks of Life, or Infinite Singularities who cannot be destroyed.  Quanta or spirit bodies or spirits are produced and maintained by the quantum fields or the tachyons.  Conserved Quanta or Quantized Psyches use quantum waves or traveling quanta to communicate with each other through the quantum fields.  All of this obviously exists, which means that ALL of this Science is obviously true.

The atheists deny the existence of luxons and tachyons because these things are massless, entropyless, intangible, non-local, non-physical, and syntropic.  The atheists deny the existence of syntropy and conservation, because the atheists deny the existence of luxons and tachyons.

The atheists are obviously wrong.

These tachyonic things or omnipotent things obviously exist because the master light cone or the universal consensus obviously exists.  It makes NO logical sense to deny the existence of the luxons and the tachyons as the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists do – because these things obviously exist.  The Tachyons or the Hyperdimensional Energy Beings or the Gods have to exist in order for the light cone, or the tardyons and the luxons, or the universal consensus to exist.  In other words, the spirit world or the conserved realm or conserved quantum information has to exist in order for our physical reality and physical laws and physical constants to exist!  A Tachyonic Ontology has infinitely more scientific explanatory power than the atheistic paradigm, scientific materialism, or their tardyonic ontology which erroneously limits them to entropic physical atoms as the fundamental unit of reality.

Through our thoughts, we can figure out what everything is and how it works!

One of my greatest scientific discoveries came on the day when I first realized that quanta are spirits – or packets of spirit matter, or packets of energy, or packets of tachyons.  On that day, Science and Religion were instantly united into ONE Universal Truth.  On that day, Science and Religion and Spirituality became the same thing.

I also consider Conserved Quanta to be my greatest scientific discovery because every scientist on this planet should automatically KNOW that the conservation of energy is proven and verified Science or Truth and because every open-mind scientist should KNOW that quanta or packets of energy exist.  Consequently, it shouldn’t be too big of a quantum leap to conclude that some of those quanta are in fact Conserved Quanta or Tachyonic Quanta or Omnipotent Quanta or Conserving Quanta who are actively processing and storing conserved quantum information.  Every scientist on this planet should automatically KNOW what a conserved quantum is and that conserved quanta do in fact exist.

A conserved quantum or quantized psyche or tachyonic quantum is a living quantum computer who has the innate ability to make, transmit, receive, process, analyze, condense, store, and conserve quantum information or quantum memories.  ONLY a conserved quantum or a tachyonic quantum would have the innate ability to conserve quantum information or quantum memories, because ALL of the conservation in this universe is taking place within the tachyons, because luxons and tardyons are not conserved.

Tachyons are absolutely essential and required to explain what everything is and how it works, especially when we start dealing with conserved memories, or conserved quantum information, or universal consensus, or the universal enforcement of universal standardization.  Conserved quantum information cannot be stored within nor conserved within luxons and tardyons, as luxons or tardyons, because luxons and tardyons are not conserved.  ONLY tachyons or conserved quanta can successfully conserve quantum information and quantum memories for all eternity!  Tachyons have to exist because conserved quantum information or the physical laws and the physical constants obviously exist.  Tachyons have to exist because the light cone or spacetime exists.  Tachyons have to exist because universal consensus or universal standardization obviously exists.  Consensus or standardization is the result of tachyons or choice.  Tachyons are infinite, omnipotent, hyperdimensional, syntropic, and conserved.  Tachyons choose what they want to do and what they want to be.  These scientific truths explain everything that has ever been experienced or observed!

Whether we are talking about the tachyonic spiritual realm or this tardyonic physical realm, the “deed” or the “act” or the “consensus” becomes the enforcement of the thought, or the quantum wave, or the idea.  All reality, including this tardyonic physical spacetime reality, is shaped and molded by thoughts, or tachyons, or psyches, or intelligences.  This is what has actually been experienced, observed, and repeatedly verified; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true.  Thoughts or cognitions or consciousness obviously exist; therefore, it is illogical and irrational to deny their existence as the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists do.  Tachyons or choosers obviously exist; therefore, it is illogical to deny their existence as the atheists choose to do.

Buhlman’s scientific observations are obviously true because they have been repeatedly experienced, observed, and verified.  It makes NO sense to deny their existence as the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, behaviorists, and atheists do because the light cone obviously exists, and it is obvious that everything tachyonic or omnipotent or infinite outside of the light cone is MAKING the light cone exist.  The light cone doesn’t exist within NOTHING and isn’t MADE by NOTHING, as the atheists claim is happening.  It’s obvious that the atheists are wrong, and that Buhlman is on the right track.  It is obvious that the materialists and naturalists are wrong to claim that only tardyons exist, when it becomes obvious that everything outside of the light cone is MAKING the light cone exist and is now ENFORCING the continued existence of the light cone.

One day I decided to go with the Truth, and to let everything else slip into the garbage can where it belongs.  I used to be a materialist, naturalist, nihilist, and atheist; but one day I decided that I didn’t like where that road was taking me, so I decided to turn around and go the other way.  Your human psyche or conserved quantum can change its mind at will because energy is infinitely malleable or infinitely transformable.  This, too, has been repeatedly experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true and really exists.  Likewise, particles of energy or tachyons are conserved, which means that they can’t be destroyed by the death of your physical brain.

Notice how I took Buhlman’s Scientific Observations as my starting point, and then tried to find a scientific explanation for them that made logical sense to me.  That’s the way that we are supposed to do Science – rather than denying its existence as the atheists do.

Observation is the BEST scientific method.  Observations cannot be falsified nor refuted, because they have been experienced and entered into evidence. The best that we can do with observations is to define them and explain them with further observations.  It is a logic fallacy to reject and deny the existence of observational evidence.  Observations have been experienced, so they have to be dealt with and explained with additional scientific observations.

I took Buhlman’s Scientific Observations as my starting point, and then I applied luxonic and tachyonic observations to explain them in scientific terms that anyone should be able to understand.  A tardyonic ontology or the atheist paradigm cannot explain the luxonic and the tachyonic and the infinite and the conserved; but a Tachyonic Ontology certainly can.

Mark My Words


